Initiative that, since 2021, has been building capabilities in the school system to integrate Computer Science into the classroom, creating the necessary conditions for children and young people to become protagonists of the 21st-century society.
+1110 trained teachers.
“The Creators” School Digital Talent Award, which since 2017 has placed on the public agenda and within school communities the importance of developing digital skills and early innovation, showcasing children, young people, and teachers with creative minds capable of using technology for the benefit of their community. +7,500 participants.
“Hour of Code” International digital education campaign created by the NGO, which has been traveling through Chile since 2015, encouraging children to spend an hour playing, learning, and creating with technology, promoting computer science education. +1,000,000 students.
“Female Digital Empowerment” Initiative that, since 2023, aims to raise awareness, educate, inspire, and influence on the importance of developing digital skills to contribute to the goals committed to in SDG 5 for gender equality, to empower the instrumental use of technology. +1,020,000 women sensitized.
“Women Entrepreneurs Connected” Digital empowerment initiative for micro-entrepreneurs womens, which has been working since 2019 to develop digital skills to enhance their businesses and leverage the advantages of the digital economy. +1,000 micro-entrepreneurs have participated.
“Digital Talent for Chile” Country initiative for digital workforce retraining, based on an agreement that involves businesses, educational institutions, and the government, which has been working since 2019 to develop new skills in people in line with the demands of the digital economy. +18,500 scholarships managed.

Other initiatives we have developed

“Our Voice” A collaborative space created to make the voices of all women in Chile heard, facilitating their participation and placing them at the forefront of strengthening democracy. From this initiative comes the Women’s Digital Empowerment Index.
“Women Programmers” This was an initiative that contributed to the formation of qualified human capital, with all the potential offered by women. This initiative was scaled up into Digital Talent for Chile.

With our initiatives we contribute to 7 Sustainable Development Goals.

Our initiatives aim to improve the lives of individuals and their communities.



